Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Finger prints on the Face"
Acrylic "8x10"

This painting is made up of fingerprints. I was inspired by the paintings of the artist Chuck Close. He does these enormous portraits. He did a series made up of fingerprints. This is my attempt on a much smaller scale. I had some old cans of acrylic finger paints, and just started dipping my fingers into it. I eye balled where to put the marks from the photo I was working with. Hope you like it.


Lawon said...

I really love this painting. It is so unique in the use of fingerprints. I cannot imagine how Chuck Close did such a big painting. It is so neat that there is so many different ways to create a beautiful painting. I love your work! Wonderful!

MamaBug said...

I'm so glad you changed your comment style so I actually comment. This one caught my eye right away and I was sad when my comment evaporated into cyberspace.

The technique is just really, really cool. :D I'm impressed you were able to get such definition in the face. I'm sure I'd wind up with too much ink on my hands and accidentally smudging the whole thing up.