Friday, November 5, 2010

"cylinders and cubes" pencil

This was a demonstration that I gave my students. They are studying value, so I set up a still life arrangement of bottles that I painted white so that they may more easily pick up on the highlights and shadows. Many students are afraid of shading, but with some confidence and careful observation they are successful.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

I remember taking art from Mr. Jarvie in 7th grade over at EJH...he made us draw and shade bottles kind of like that. I got a C+ on my assignment. (And in the whole class....) :) Yeah, obviously drawing was not my strong point.

Jay Nolan said...

Ha! I remember Mr. Jarvie. I still have this drawing of a ugly little pot that I did in his class. I pull it out every now and again to show students who get frustrated. I tell them that I started out exactly the same way they did, just don't give up.