Saturday, February 20, 2010

"The old Shutter Bug"
pen and ink

My parents bought me this old used Fujica camera when I was in high school. It has been kicking around ever since then. For the past ten years I have used it as a student camera for my photography classes. Most of my students have never seen a manual SLR camera, let alone a camera that takes film. I think that I am the last old school photographer that still teaches film photography.
This camera has been dropped, kicked, and all around abused, but it has always kept on snapping away. This might be the end of it though. The film advance lever does not want to advance. I have taken it apart several times before to repair it, but this time It might finally give up the ghost. I brought it home to give it one more round of repairs. We'll see if it can go back into service.


Lawon said...

I am sad to see the film cameras going to the grave. Being old school can be very cool. I think it is great to teach these kids a really dying art of photography development. Love you, Babe!

Kyle Schaugaard said...

Honestly, some of my favorite memories of Jr. High were developing film, and working in the dark room! That was some really interesting stuff I would have never picked up otherwise.

MamaBug said...

I'm glad you are still teaching the old school stuff. I think it's important. I know we still have our good film cameras around, though they are rarely used. I'm also pretty sure we've got a fully manual around too.