Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Little Fly" pen

After the wasp drawing I thought of other pests, and the king of all bothersome midges is the mosquito. It carries death to over 2 million people each year in the form of malaria.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

See, while you are drawing these bugs, I have to actually catch them! Ugh. (Julianne has a 7th grade science bug collection project she has to do. Good thing I don't get too overly freaked out by bugs and spiders. If it was some sort of reptile/amphibian collection...well, that would be a whole other story!)

I know I briefly said this before, but the realistic details of your "pests" just amazes me.

Jay Nolan said...

Ahhh the days of 7th grade science. The hardest part is to try and pin this minuscule bugs to the display boards :)

Unknown said...


Your insect drawings are amazing!
