Monday, May 10, 2010

"Stare" digital photo

Today has been one of the busier days. I did not have a chance to get into my sketchbook. So I took this photo with my iPhone. The nice thing about using a camera is that because of it's nature, you are forced to crop your subject. This in turn can help to create a more dynamic composition.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Cool picture. I like the contrast between shadows and light. Nifty.

Did you go to the spring concert last night? Is that part of the reason your day was so busy? :)

Jay Nolan said...

The concert last night was fun. My other two kids recognized a lot of the songs which made it fun for them.
We spotted your Rebekah among the singing masses.

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Masses is right! I'm constantly amazed at how many kids are involved with choir in Jr. High! I think it's awesome! In a lot of ways the way Mrs. Woodfield runs her choir program reminds me of Mr. Wendel.
It was a fun concert...LONG though. I spotted your Rebecca up on stage as well. Is she going to take choir again next year?

Jay Nolan said...

She wishes she could but, she will be taking a course de francias instead.

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Julianne is trying to get into French for next year. We've been told by the counselor when she was registering that the chances are slim for a 7th grader to get in. Apparently the French teacher is hugely popular and they give priority to 8th and 9th graders. Oh well.